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2024 Experts Sharing What To Expect

Here’s a quick preview from a few experts about what to expect this year.  

Pricing changes coming in December 2023

Since the Migraine World Summit first launched in 2016 there has never been a price rise. We have strived to make access to the experts as affordable as possible (at around $3 per interview) while being able to sustain our efforts and support headache foundations, advocates and research groups with…

Treatment Directory

  Most doctors have a go-to list of treatments and therapies for migraine, but it’s often a short list. The last thing we want to hear is that we’re out of options. In reality, migraine treatments are evolving rapidly and there’s always something we can add to our migraine toolbox….

Additional Links & Resources

Resources are listed in alphabetical order under each category. PATIENT COALITIONS Coalition for Headache And Migraine Patients [CHAMP] (USA) Global Patient Advocacy Coalition [GPAC] (Global) NATIONAL FOUNDATIONS American Migraine Foundation  (USA) Association of Migraine Disorders (USA) Clusterbusters Danielle Byron Henry Migraine Foundation (USA) European Migraine and Headache Alliance (EUR) Headache…

Introducing the Migraine World Summit Interview Library

As a subscriber to the Migraine World Summit, you already know how powerful it is to hear from world-leading experts in the field of migraine and headache. Our 110,000 members in more than 150 countries gain unprecedented access to many of the world’s top migraine doctors, researchers, and advocates. The…

Headache On The Hill is Well Represented by Our Community

When few people in our immediate family or group of friends have migraine to the same degree of severity as ourselves it is easy to feel isolated at times. It’s also hard to keep up with what is happening in different areas to change the status quo – to increase…

Understanding Your Workplace Rights

Migraine in the workplace is a billion-dollar issue. Absenteeism, presenteeism, stigma, discrimination, and employee health are issues that affect both the employee and the employer. Knowing how to navigate the workplace with migraine can be tricky, and it can make or break your career. That’s why it’s important to know…

Clinical Errors that Undermine Migraine Care

Do you know if you’re getting the right treatment? How often are doctors, including neurologists, making clinical errors in migraine and headache care? What do we need to know as patients to minimize the chance of getting the wrong diagnosis or treatment? Zaza Katsarava, MD, PhD is head of the…

Thriving with Multiple Chronic Illnesses

Symptoms of hemiplegic migraine can be similar to those of classic migraine or migraine with aura. However, some patients and healthcare providers are surprised to learn that a hemiplegic migraine attack can actually mimic a stroke. How can we understand and cope with migraine disease when many of us live…

How to Get the Most From Your Doctor

Are you getting the most from your doctor’s visit or are you struggling to make progress despite several consultations? How do you know when it’s your stubborn condition, the medical professionals, or ourselves standing in the way of further progress? To help us answer these questions is Dr. Patricia Pozo…

The Keys to Better Emergency Care

Each year, millions of people with migraine visit a hospital Emergency Room (ER) with severe and debilitating migraine attacks. Many of us have shared how such visits have made us feel like drug seekers. We have been humiliated by staff who have belittled our pain or treated us with suspicion….

A New Year Resolution for Improving Your Migraine Condition

The new year is a common time to reflect over the past year and think about the next one. As you contemplate the year ahead, consider a New Year Resolution that might help improve your migraine condition. Many people with migraine think that your health and wellbeing is solely in…

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